Monday, July 28, 2008

Will's Own Personal Punching Bag

This morning Will came down in his underwear - not a real big shocker - and he informed Austin and I that he is wearing Cooper's "private cup." You know, the aforementioned "pee-wee cup, world's smallest cup." And by the way, Cooper has never actually worn this cup so Will wearing it wasn't too gross, especially since he informed us that he had two pairs of underwear on - underneath and on top of the cup.

And this was the greatest part for him - he bent over and started punching himself in the cup saying, "look guys, it's my own personal punching bag!"

We have omitted any pictures for decency's sake.


Jessica said...

Now you are making me pee AGAIN!

Damian said...

ahhh, boys!
I hadn't checked out your blog in a few weeks and am loving it! Thanks for sharing your craziness with the rest of us. Misery loves company, huh?

Will and Sandy said...

Will and I have those conversations all the time. I feel your pain.