Wednesday, July 21, 2010

State Champs and on to the Southeast Regional -- Day 1 Opening Ceremonies

Day 1 -- Arrival, check in and Opening Cermonies --

After a 5 hour car ride we arrived at the pride of Richmond, Virginia -- The Comfort Inn. We immediately hit the pool. Forecast for tomorrow, the first day of the tournament, is an even 100 degrees. Add in the humidity and says it will feel like 107 or something like that. Sounds like a great day to play a doubleheader!

First up, Florida State Champions. We might as well be playing the NY Stinkin' Yankees. When I saw their team when we arrived, they were not just big, they were strong. They had huge, strong necks, backs and arms. I am not saying these kids were juicing or anything, but they had some serious muscle compared to the rest of the teams. They are the favorite to win the whole thing. We will see if we are any good based on how we play them. After that, we play Tennessee. Not much easier. Day 2 are teams I think we might have a better chance against, but we they are all good teams, they all won their state.

After opening ceremonies, which were pretty cool, the kids all exchanged pins with the other teams, and each of the teams walked out on the big, major league sized field and carried their state's flag. We had a picnic, but it was too hot, the hot dogs kind of sucked and we had to pay 7 dollars for them. So we hurried back to the pool and then tried to get 4 kids to bed before 9 (Cooper's best friend came to cheer him on).

We will post some pictures from the games later. Wish us luck. We got David vs. Goliath tomorrow, but hopefully we will have our slingshots ready.


Heather said...

Your CT fan club is cheering for you!

krystin said...

Looks can deceive =) Good luck Cooper and team!!!

Jolley's said...

Way to go Coop!

Natalie said...

Hope everything is going well. It sounds like an uphill battle with the heat. Ouch! We're thinking of you and sending good vibes your way. Can't wait for the play by play. :)