Monday, October 20, 2008

The Good News Is . . . .

Today we found the new Alaska quarter which nearly completes Cooper's 50-state quarter collection. The bad news is that he somehow managed to swallow it about 7 minutes after he got it.

So we'll be waiting . . . for that wily Alaska quarter.


Carly said...

Sounds like you've got some fun ahead of you... How in the world did he swallow it??

Tricia said...

LOLOLOLOL. That is classic.

Heather said...

That's a funny entry!

Jessica said...

What's your e-mail address?? I'll send you the pictures!

Amy said...

a quarter, eh? I must say that I'm pretty impressed. Any kid can swallow a penny or dime, but a quarter? Now that's something to be proud of. Way to go!!

Erin said...

That could be a painful experience... hopefully that happens at home and not at school!

mamapickle said...

WHAT?!!!!! oh you'll be having fun :)

Tracie Frost said...

Oh dear. Poor Cooper. Poor you!

punkinpants said...

oh man....the things kids do. haha. (by the way, this is Christy)

Ariana said...

Aaaahhh!!!! Well it should be nice and shiny when you see it again...

Preston swallowed a penny a couple months ago, and we were on PoopWatch 2008 for a couple days till it....passed. ew. 5 kiwifruits in 2 days did the trick. ;-)

Embers said...

haha serious? wow talk about bad luck. I'm assuming he's ok.