Monday, December 6, 2010

Gingerbread Houses with Nonni

Every year if Nonni is here, she makes gingerbread houses with the kids. Here are some cute pics of them constructing their masterpiece.
Oh, you didn't know that a hair dryer is an essential part of the gingerbread making tool kit? Well it is, just need to hurry the drying process up a bit.

What, you don't use all natural, organic cleaners to polish your microwave? 

Squishy face


The finished product and Paris with her Fabio hairy chest action.

Nonni asked if we were going to wait until Christmas to eat the gingerbread house, yeah right, not in a house with five candy fiends! This was taken less than 24 hours after the house was finished.


Tiffany W. said...

I was actually really impressed none of the kids were eating the candy in any of the pictures... because my kids pretty much just eat the whole time as I make it! :) And then I saw that last picture and it made me laugh! That is what our ginger bread houses always look like shortly after, too! :)

Sean and Candace said...

Awesome! I wish I was there for that. Maybe that could be an activity at the family reunion - Gingerbread house making!


Sean and Candace said...

I want Nonni and the kids to come visit me and teach me how to make Gingerbread houses!Those are awesome!